
Intelligent heavy metal quantification

Toxic Heavy Metals

Heavy metal substances can be found in nature, with densities greater than 5 g/cm3 and high atomic masses. They are highly beneficial for industrial use, some of which are toxic for the environment and health.

iQuan has been developed to be capable of portably measuring five toxic heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and chromium), which are enlisted in World Health Organization (WHO) and US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) carcinogens.

1. Arsenic

Arsenic can be found on the earth’s surface from volcanic eruptions. It is used for pesticide formulations, livestock disinfections, smelting, dyeing, metal forging, and fabrication of electronic devices, etc. We are exposed to arsenic contaminants from drinking water, food, and environmental pollution. Its toxicity adversely affects the circulatory, nervous, digestive, and respiratory systems. A long-term toxic accumulation can result in bladder, skin, and liver cancers.

2. Cadmium

Cadmium is found naturally in the earth's crust, rivers, and ores in sulfide forms with zinc and copper. It is used in the manufacturing of batteries, metal alloys, plating, pigments, etc. Cadmium adversely affects the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. Symptoms include stomach upsetting, dizziness, vomiting, and loss of consciousness. Long-term cadmium exposure can also lead to lung cancer.

3. Lead

Lead is found in nature on the earth’s crust and ores. In industry, large amounts of lead are released into the environment through the use of fossil fuel, mining, batteries, glassware, pigments, protective radiation equipment productions, etc. Lead poisoning affects the nervous, digestive, and respiratory, reproductive, and circulatory systems. Lead poisonous also affects children’s IQ levels.

4. Mercury

Mercury is found in mineral forms. It is useful for industrial lamp manufacturing, coating, dental amalgam, wood fungicides, precious metals, and cosmetic productions. Mercury toxic can cause heart disease, genetic disorders, fatigue, memory loss, etc.

5. Chromium

Chromium commonly occurs naturally and mainly in two oxidation states: (1) trivalent chromium (unharmful) and (2) hexavalent chromium (carcinogen). Hexavalent chromium is used in steel manufacturing, leather tanning, fungus removal, etc. Its toxicity adversely affects respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems.

Heavy Metal Contamination Standard

iQuan has the lower limit of detection (LOD) in compliance with the standard range set by Thailand’s Ministry of Industry required for contamination in soil and groundwater. The application test result is only a preliminary screening and cannot be used as a legal reference. The test should follow the suggested procedures to obtain valid results.
Maximum contamination ranges of groundwater allowed in the factory area:
Heavy Metals Cas No. Maximum limit (milligram/liter)
Arsenic 7440-38-2 0.1
Cadmium 7440-43-9 2.0
Lead 7439-92-1 4.0
Mercury 7439-97-6 0.7
Hexavalent Chromium 18540-29-9 6.0

iQuan Sensor Technology

Whilst electrochemical technology is continuously evolved over decades in quantitative analysis of various chemicals, users have become more familiar with its practical advantages in medical, food, and environmental monitoring industries. iQuan is equipped with electrochemical sensors that are specially modified with nanocomposites to meet the user’s needs in the water quality inspection.
The intelligent heavy metals quantification kit (iQuan) is researched, developed, and tested to quantify heavy metals contaminated in water samples. With just a small sample, the iQuan sensor is capable of performing sophisticated electrochemical experiments through highly sensitive and selective electrodes. The system is compatible with NFC-enabled Andriod smartphones. Heavy metals contamination screening can be portable, economical, fast, and fun anytime, anywhere with iQuan.
The current sensors support As(III), Cd(II), Cr(VI), Hg(II), and Pb(II) detections.

iQuan Test Kit

  • iQuan Packaging
  • iQuan Packaging
  • iQuan Packaging
  • iQuan Packaging
  • iQuan Packaging
  • iQuan Packaging

How it works

Intelligent heavy metal quantification


Intelligent heavy metal quantification